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Screen Printing Column (13)

~Mobile and screen printing~

The progress of mobile phones is amazing.
When mobile phones first came out, they were just for making calls. Heavy and difficult to carry. The battery lasted only about a day and had to be charged every day. In those days, it was common to press a button to make a call.

When it comes to the latest mobile phones, smartphones are popular, and it is now possible to view the Internet just by touching the screen, and touch panels have become the norm.
The touch panel itself was developed more than 20 years ago, so it is by no means a new thing. It was difficult to appear on the front stage of the device.
However, touch panels have been adopted for portable game machines, and children have become accustomed to touch panels. Children who were familiar with touch panels became adults, and the concept of touch panels changed.

By the way, what is supporting this change behind the scenes is screen printing. Even though phone switches have changed, screen printing is still involved.
In the days when telephones used button switches, screen printing contributed greatly to the production of electric circuits and the design of buttons.
And now, phones are about to turn into touch panels. In order to manufacture this touch panel, there are etching resist printing, electric circuit printing, spacer printing, and frame design printing. In fact, most of these are done by screen printing.

In the future, even more wonderful products will come out to the world. However, as long as humans exist, switches are always necessary. Screen printing will correspond to them forever.
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