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Screen Printing Column (45)

~Continued Ink and Ink~

I wrote "ink or ink or paste" in this column before.
I've been wondering about that ever since.
After searching the net, I found that other people had the same question.

Well, the other day, I read Natsume Soseki's novel for the first time in a while.It's been decades since I read it when I was a student.The reason I read it is because I recently purchased an app that allows you to download books on a tablet device, and the one I took as a trial was Natsume Soseki.
When I read it, the word "inki", which is read as ink, was spelled with kana.
Again, I was worried about ink and ink, and I researched various things and created a sequel.

A German scholar once said that "ink" was correct.
German language linguist Mitsuo Sekiguchi wrote in his book, "For example, the English word ink is called ink these days with the correct intention, but in our time it was called ink. Don't say k is [ku], [ki] is weird, it's funny to laugh at that. When I say in, my mouth looks like [i]. Try playing k in the back of your throat while wearing that outfit, and you'll get a sound like [ki] no matter what you do. After saying "in", changing the mouth shape to "u" and then saying "[ku]" is something done by an idiot who doesn't know how to pronounce English.So [ink] is wrong and [ink] is right." (From "Standard Elementary German Lecture" by Nobuo Sekiguchi).
That is what he said. Since this book was written 60 years ago, was it ink in the days of Soseki Natsume?

Close to "ink" in English
The English pronunciation is [ɪŋk], so it is closer to writing "ink".Therefore, it can be said that "ink" is correct in terms of English origin.

Who is the TV announcer?
There was a report about a printing company on the TV news. "Ink" or "ink", if you pay attention to it, "Ink used for ○× printing ...", and "Ink" is written on the telop of the screen ....
In modern times, it seems that it is mainstream to say "ink".

by the way···
Which is "ink" or "ink" for "products manufactured by △△△ Ink Mfg. Co., Ltd."?

Please look forward to the sequel.
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